
Mo - Fr 08:00 - 16:00 Uhr

You can report here xenophobic incidents in Rhineland-Palatinate.

Who did the incident happen to?

(1/8) Forward

When did the incident happen?

(2/8) Forward

Where did the incident happen

(3/8) Forward

What has occurred?

We kindly ask you to describe the incident as precisely as possible. The following questions may be relevant:

  • Where exactly did it happen and in what context? (At work, in a restaurant, at a bus stop, on the internet, etc.)
  • Who was affected?
  • Who was responsible for the attack? (Please provide a general description and do not mention any names)
  • What statements and content were conveyed?
  • What were the concrete consequences?

(4/8) Forward

What has occurred? (optional)


I have been discriminated against on account of attribution, skin colour, appearance etc. For example, an unfounded police control due to skin colour, refusal to enter certain premises, or other disadvantages.

(5/8) Forward

How would you classify the incident – can a statement be made on the motive of the crime? (optional)


Antisemitism consists of degradation, rejection of, and hostility towards Jews. “Antisemitism can also occur circuitously, by indirectly claiming that Jews have negative traits or are involved in sinister practices. This can for example take the shape of antisemitic (world) conspiracy theories.


(Structural) discrimination and/or rejection as well as hostility and violence towards people due to the origins, religious affiliation, culture etc. attributed to them.


(Structural) hostility and rejection as well as hostility and violence towards people due to their non-white skin colour.


(Structural) degradation and rejection as well as hostility and violence towards people due to their (attributed) affiliation to the Roma and/or Sinti group.


(Structural) degradation and rejection as well as hostility and violence towards people due to their (attributed) religious affiliation.


Degradation, hostility and violence towards groups of people who, because of their social status and (supposed) homelessness, are rejected as being unproductive and inferior.


Degradation, hostility and violence towards groups of people who, because of a handicap, are rejected as being unproductive and inferior.


(lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans-/intersexual, queer, pan-/asexual) Insults, threats and attacks aimed at sexual orientation and gender identity. Here, gender identity means that a person identifies with a gender. Sexual orientation is the emotional, romantic or sexual attraction to a particular gender.


Attacks or acts of violence aimed towards people or institutions due to their activity in fields such as equal opportunities and gender research and for the equality of diverse sexual ways of life and identities. The ideological enemy determination of antifeminism is associated with attitudes such as hostility towards women, misogyny or sexism.


Insults, threats or attacks towards people or organisations which are seen to be political opponents. These include initiatives against right-wing extremism, democratic alliances, or individuals involved in civil activities.


For example insults, threats or attacks against politicians, state representatives, or other political organisations. These may include public authority staff or (voluntary) political activists.

(6/8) Forward

Publish anonymously?

(7/8) Forward

Thanks a lot

Report incident

  • Your data is secured
  • Your report is anonymous
  • We are on your side
  • We advise you independently
  • We advise free of charge
  • We advise you on site

We also advise on anti-semitic incidents in school contexts. Please contact us.

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Illustration Hand Smartphone Chat


Die eingehenden Meldungen können in ein umfassendes Lagebild über die Dimensionen von Menschenfeindlichkeit in Rheinland-Pfalz einfließen. Lagebilder helfen dabei, gesellschaftliche und politische Entwicklungen in Zusammenhang mit den Auswirkungen auf Betroffene von menschenfeindlichen Übergriffen abzubilden. Indem Betroffene ihre Erfahrungen über die Meldestelle teilen, können ihre Perspektiven sichtbar gemacht werden.

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Illustration Frau steht vor Website
Illustration Haus

Die Meldestelle RLP

Die Meldestelle dokumentiert menschenfeindliche Vorfälle in Rheinland-Pfalz. Auf Wunsch vermittelt die Meldestelle passende Beratungs- und Unterstützungsangebote.
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Illustration Papierflieger

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Wir kooperieren mit unterschiedlichen Beratungsangeboten in Rheinland-Pfalz. In unseren Beratungsstrukturen vermitteln wir dir schnell passende Beratungs- und Unterstützungsangebote.
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